هذه الوظيفة قديمة ، يمكنك تصفح وظائف لبنان الجديدة

Food Safety and Franchise Consultant

انضم لأكثر من 1k شخص و توصل بعروض الوظائف مجانا على بريدك الالكتروني

A well-established company is looking for a Food Safety and Franchise Consultant. Main Duties: - Documenting the food safety, management, and other business processes -Drafting of operations manuals including SOP's -Conducting inspection and audit visits and prepare reports -Able to conduct training sessions and workshops -Field prospecting (20% of time) Minimum qualifications and required skills Essential -Bachelor degree - Masters is a plus -At least 3 to 5 years of experience in similar field -Excellent command of English and MS office -Strong writing and presentation skills Experience in ISO and HACCP is a plus


في لبنان مدينة بيروت

عدد الوظائف

1 وظائف متوفرة , قدم الان

نوع العمل

دوام كلي

سنوات الخبرة

2-4 سنة

معلومات التواصل

our site : http://www.khoubourat.org.lb/

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