هذه الوظيفة قديمة ، يمكنك تصفح وظائف الجزائر الجديدة

IT Specialist

انضم لأكثر من 1k شخص و توصل بعروض الوظائف مجانا على بريدك الالكتروني

IT specialist in System administration and Maintenance of Linux OS and Networks : Spanish multinational company worldwide leader in Air Traffic Management systems is looking for a full time IT specialist in System administration and Maintenance to join the supporting team based in Alger to work in all Algeria. The candidate shall fulfil the following minimum requirements: • Engineering University degree related to IT, computer sciences, radio electronics, Aviation, ATM (Air Traffic Management), etc… • Enough English or Spanish skills for technical conversations with the main office . Other knowledge required: • Proficiency in Linux OS: CentOS, RHEL (management and scripting) • Solid knowledge of Microsoft Office (PowerPoint, Excel, Visio) • Basic knowledge in databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL) • Strong knowledge in Network administration (L2/L3 Cisco equipment, TCP/IP stack, Multicast, SNMP) Main responsibilities of the position are: • Installation and administration RHEL with different services and specific ATM Software • LAN administration of Cisco Switches and Routers • Customer support/Maintenance. • Monitoring and reporting systems status. • Training courses to customers


في الجزائر مدينة الجزائر

عدد الوظائف

1 وظائف متوفرة , قدم الان

نوع العمل

دوام كلي

سنوات الخبرة

2-4 سنة

معلومات التواصل

Interested candidates, please send your CV by email to: dtaou@indracompany.com

  3 years ago
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