هذه الوظيفة قديمة ، يمكنك تصفح وظائف عمان الجديدة

Property Specialist

انضم لأكثر من 1k شخص و توصل بعروض الوظائف مجانا على بريدك الالكتروني

Al Nama Real estate: A Destination for every investor: Oman’s integrated real estate lead, a commercial and residential developer located in the Sultanate of Oman focused on a high-end property including integrated tourism complex projects for all Nationalities. Building Oman. Department: Sales Job Title: Property Sales Specialist Sector: Real Estate Type: Senior Experience: Bachelor Degree or Equivalent in Real Estate sales. 5 to 7 years experience in the Real Estate sales. Skills: An excellent communicator A good negotiator Able to inspire trust and confidence in clients and buyers Knowledgeable about property sales and lettings law Able to work under pressure Smart and business-like Closing Date: 11th September 2021


في عمان مدينة مسقط

عدد الوظائف

1 وظائف متوفرة , قدم الان

نوع العمل

دوام كلي

سنوات الخبرة

4 فما فوق

معلومات التواصل

Our website : https://alnama-om.com

  3 years ago
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