هذه الوظيفة قديمة ، يمكنك تصفح وظائف الامارات الجديدة


انضم لأكثر من 1k شخص و توصل بعروض الوظائف مجانا على بريدك الالكتروني

In this position you will be responsible for providing insights to clients. To do so, you will first meet with our clients to uncover their business needs and challenges. Then, you will use your strong analytical skills to perform quantitative and observational data analyses. From these analyses, you will form and present your recommendations to our clients. Responsibilities Develop Business Plan and KPIs to achieve Strategies to develop business and increase profits Prepare and execute client workshops Interface with clients to discover their business challenges Perform quantitative and observational data analyses Create and present client recommendations Qualifications Strong analytical, communication and quantitative skills


في الامارات مدينة دبي

عدد الوظائف

1 وظائف متوفرة , قدم الان

نوع العمل

دوام كلي

سنوات الخبرة

0-2 سنة

معلومات التواصل

visit site : http://www.maniscollection.com

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بريدك الالكتروني ؟


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