هذه الوظيفة قديمة ، يمكنك تصفح وظائف مصر الجديدة

Purchasing Officer

انضم لأكثر من 1k شخص و توصل بعروض الوظائف مجانا على بريدك الالكتروني

Purchasing Officer required to work in Egypt.

Responsibilities :
* negotiate with suppliers to purchase goods and services for the company.
* Evaluating suppliers by considering price, quality, availability ...etc
* Verifying purchases by comparing them to a primary list and recommending alternatives for expensive or irrelevant products
* Interacting with suppliers to schedule delivery times and resolve any errors.
*Authorizing payments and maintain receipts, records and inventories
- Extensive exp. in purchasing ( preferable in oil, gas & pet. services )
- Proper qualification .
- Exp. from 4-6 years .

Plz. send c.v to: noha@eiseg.com


في مصر مدينة القاهرة

عدد الوظائف

1 وظائف متوفرة , قدم الان

نوع العمل

دوام كلي

سنوات الخبرة

ابتداءا من 3 سنوات

  2 months ago
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