Remote Area Nurse
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- Get paid between $70-$92 p/h
- Work 4-12 week+ contracts
- Travel and Accommodation provided
- Remote Emergency Course (REC) Certificate (CRANA) or equivalent.
- Midwifery Emergency Certificate (MEC)(CRANA), or equivalent
- Basic Life Support/Advanced Life Support
- Immunisation Provider Certificate (Understanding Vaccines and the National Immunisation program)
- COVID Vaccination Certificates for Pfizer and AstraZeneca Vaccines. Including the COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 5 to 11 years Module
- Current National Criminal History Check (SAFENT)
- Current Working With Children Card NT (Ochre Card)
- Driver’s Licence
- Stat Competency
- Stryker Stretcher
- Personal Vaccination Status (Signed DoH form with evidence of Serology)
- Above award hourly rate + Super + Penalties
- Accommodation provided
- Travel paid for to and from any major city in Aus.
- Flexible work arrangements
- Wellness programs
in Australia , remote city
number of positions
1 Jobs available, apply now
job type
experience years
Mid-Senior level
contact info
Contact Aidan today for further information: on 0420389645
This job is closed
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1 year ago