Fire Fighting Technician
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1- Fire Fighting Technician Food, Accommodation and Transport - Company Intrested canditate send resume on below mention email id Email ID - No- 66801940 Roles & ResponsibilitiesJob Description• Responsible for inspection and servicing requirements for fire-fighting equipment (e.g. Fire extinguishers, hose reel, hydrants etc.)• Responsible for inspection and servicing requirements for fire-safety systems (e.g. alarm panel, call points, detectors etc.), dealing with equipment issues effectively & efficiently• Attend to work onboard vessels as well, dealing with FFE and LSE inspection and servicing work• To plan and carry out planned preventative maintenance on fire protection equipment.• To document all works as required to fulfil class society and regulatory requirements• Any other reasonable task required by the Company Intrested canditate send resume on below mention email id Email ID -
in Qatar , Doha city
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1 Jobs available, apply now
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experience years
Entry level
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1 year ago