Logistics Assistant/Lojistik Asistanı
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General Description of the Programme:
GOAL an International Humanitarian Organisation has had a presence in Turkey since 2013 and has been contributing to the migrant response since 2016 with a focus on responding to needs in protection and self-reliance of vulnerable and marginalised migrants and host community members in southern Turkey.
GOAL has been working in Syria since 2013, responding to the acute needs of conflict-affected communities. GOAL Syria implements multi-sector programmes in Northwest Syria (NWS) addressing the multiple vulnerabilities that households and communities are facing after a decade of conflict. At the household level, the program design creates links between its multi-donor funded emergency response program to its food security, winterization, and shelter programming, and complements food assistance programming with basic needs assistance via Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA). At the community level, GOAL supports bakeries facilitating the provision of affordable bread to large catchment areas in Idleb and North Aleppo. GOAL has a large-scale WASH infrastructure support programme that provides water throughout large areas of Idleb governorate.
GOAL has been working in North Aleppo Governate since 2019, through direct implementation and through partners, delivering food, non-food programming to highly vulnerable populations, as well as emergency support for recently displaced household.
GOAL has two projects (ECHO funded LINK and PRM funded GREEN) in Turkey, LINK program targets refugees from nomadic / semi-nomadic backgrounds and those engaged in seasonal agricultural labor. LINK has been designed to address and mitigate protection concerns of the vulnerable / marginalized refugees through provision of critical information and raising their awareness on their rights, obligations and services available in Turkey, by sensitization/capacity building (targeting key stakeholders and service providers, etc.) activities, and Individual Protection Assistance (IPA) services to enable highly vulnerable refugees to access to basic, social and protective services available under the provisions of Temporary and International Protection regulations in Turkey. On the other hand, Green program aims to improve socioeconomic inclusion, resilience and self-sufficiency of highly vulnerable/excluded women and girls from host and refugee communities including nomadic communities and seasonal agriculture workers from both refugee and host communities through integrated and market driven livelihood opportunities and protection services, including language courses and vocational skills training on greenhouse production and agriculture; case management (CM)/coaching services, establishment of a women cooperative, protection outreach, information provision and awareness raising; and provision of special needs and individual protection assistance services.
Job purpose:
With the support of the logistics team the Logistics Assistant is responsible for implementing, following through, and accomplishing the individual and general tasks allocated by Facility Manager and as described below per different sections of logistics.
The Logistics Assistant will be expected to work in close collaboration with admin, and senior team members in all Goal Syria program offices. S/he will have a functional supporting responsibility to Facility Manager and logistics team in store & premises & asset management and relevant information sharing, providing technical support.
Duties, objectives and competencies
Facilitate the functioning of the logistics of GOAL Office in Gaziantep/Mersin as directed by the Facility Manager:
- Follow the payments of utility bills of the premises in Gaziantep/Mersin, make sure that they are paid on time.
- Ensure that all maintenance and repairs is kept up and performed appropriately when required.
- Ensure that utility payments are completed on time.
- Support the relocation of premises and equipment as needed,
- Ensure the regular delivery of drinking water at the office,
- Monitor stocks and use of consumables and the functioning of equipment/assets, and actions accordingly,
- Ensure materials and goods requested from program side adequately received, stored, tracked and maintained.
- Monitor and control local stores including programme stocks; maintain stock cards, prepare GRNs, Waybills etc. as per GOAL Logistics policies,
- Ensure all Logistics paperwork for the Gaziantep/Mersin Office is properly completed and filed,
- Support the new staff in the offices, including but not limited to, providing a workspace and relevant equipment
- Supporting on monthly and 6 monthly assets checks by supporting Facility Manager when needed.
- Labelling any newly purchased or donated assets by supporting Facility Manager.
- Following upcoming and outgoing cargos and inform related staff.
- Support Facility Manager by monitoring cleaning activities in GOAL Gaziantep/Mersin Office.
- Administer the petty cash system and ensure appropriate record keeping.
- Contribute to Biweekly Logistics Reports.
- Any other duties as directed by the Facility Manager, Logistics Coordinator, System Director in the management and coordination of the Logistics Department.
The above list of duties is not exhaustive list. The Logistics Assistant is expected to complete additional responsibility and tasks as requested by the direct supervisor.
Requirements (essential)
- Turkish Citizenship
- No experience required, it will be an internal advertise and position. If there cannot be found internally then there will be external advertisement for this position.
- Committed team player and ability to work within a multicultural team.
- Ability to understand organisational policies.
- Ability to manage and prioritise a varied workload in a in a dynamic work environment.
- A flexible approach to work and willingness to take on extra duties, work additional hours or on weekends as required.
- Excellent attention to detail
- Trustworthy and honest
- Ability to work under pressure.
Requirements (desired)
- Experience at working in multicultural environment.
- Effective interpersonal, communication skills
- Experience in logistics
Interested? Then apply for this position via clicking on the 'apply now' button and fill out the application form. All applicants must send a cover letter and an updated CV (no longer than four pages). Both must be in English. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Application deadline is 18 August 2023.
General terms and conditions
Children and vulnerable adults a must be safeguarded to the maximum possible extent from deliberate or inadvertent actions and failings that place them at risk of abuse, sexual exploitation, injury and any other harm. One of the ways that GOAL shows this on-going commitment to safeguarding is to include rigorous background and reference checks in the selection process for all candidates.
Accountability within GOAL
Alongside our safeguarding policy, GOAL is an equal opportunities employer and has a set of integrity policies. Any candidate offered a job with GOAL will be expected to adhere to the following key areas of accountability:
- Comply with GOAL’s policies and procedures with respect to safeguarding, Code of Conduct, health and safety, data protection and confidentiality, do no harm principles and unacceptable behaviour protocols.
- Report any concerns about the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult or any wrongdoings within our programming area.
- Report any concerns about inappropriate behaviour of a GOAL staff or partner.
This Job Description only serves as a guide for the position available. GOAL reserves the right to change this document. Any published closing dates are estimated. Due to the nature of GOAL’s work we aim to fill vacancies as quickly as possible. This means that we will close adverts as soon as we have found the right candidate and this may be before the published closing date. We would therefore advise interested applicants to submit an application as early as possible.
Thank you.
Programın Genel Tanımı:
GOAL, 2013 yılından bu yana Türkiye’de etkinlik gösteren bir Uluslararası İnsani Yardım Kuruluşudur ve 2016 yılından beri Türkiye’nin güneyinde yer alan hassas ve ötekileştirilmiş göçmenlerin ve ev sahibi toplulukların koruma ve geçinme ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaya odaklanarak göçmen etkinliklerine katkı sağlamaktadır.
GOAL, 2013 yılından bu yana Suriye’de çalışmakta ve çatışmadan etkilenen toplulukların akut ihtiyaçlarına yanıt vermektedir. GOAL Suriye, on yıl süren çatışmanın ardından hane halklarının ve toplulukların karşılaştıkları çeşitli hassaslık hususlarını ele alarak Kuzeybatı Suriye’de çok sektörlü programlar yürütmektedir. Program tasarımı hane halkı seviyesinde birden fazla donör tarafından finanse edilen acil durum müdahale programı ile gıda güvenliği, kış yardımı ve barınma programı arasında bağlantı kurmakta ve aynı zamanda Çok Amaçlı Nakit Desteği üzerinden temel ihtiyaç desteği ile gıda destek programını tamamlamaktadır. GOAL programları, topluluk seviyesinde ise İdlib ve Kuzey Halep’te yer alan geniş alanlara makul fiyatlı ekmek tedarik etmeleri için fırınları desteklemektedir. GOAL’un İdlib bölgesinin büyük bir alanına su tahsis eden geniş kapsamlı bir WASH altyapı destek programı da bulunmaktadır.
GOAL, 2019 yılından bu yana Kuzey Halep’te çalışmakta ve doğrudan ya da ortak kuruluşlar üzerinden yüksek derecede hassas olan topluluklara gıda ve gıda dışı ürün ve aynı zamanda yakın zamanda evlerinden edilmiş hane halklarına destek sağlamaktadır.
GOAL’un Türkiye’de iki projesi bulunmaktadır (ECHO tarafından finanse edilen LINK ve PRM tarafından finanse edilen GREEN). LINK programının hedef kitlesi göçebe/yarı göçebe arka plana sahip olan mülteciler ve mevsimlik tarım işçiliği yapan mültecilerdir. LINK; Türkiye’deki hakları, yükümlülükleri ve hizmetler hakkında önemli bilgilerin sağlanması ve farkındalığın oluşturulması yoluyla hassas/ötekileştirilmiş mültecilerin koruma endişelerinin ele alınması ve hafifletilmesi için tasarlanmıştır. Bu amaca hizmet ederken duyarlılaştırma/kapasite geliştirme (kilit paydaşların ve hizmet sağlayıcılarının vb. hedeflenmesiyle) etkinlikleri uygulanacak ve Türkiye’deki Geçici ve Uluslararası Koruma Düzenlemeleri altında bulunan temel hizmetler, sosyal ve koruma hizmetlerine erişimleri bakımından yüksek derecede hassas olan mülteciler Bireysel Koruma Desteği ile desteklenecektir. Diğer taraftan Green programının amacı; hem mülteci hem de ev sahibi topluluklarda yer alan göçebe topluluklar ve mevsimlik tarım işçileri de dahil olmak üzere bu iki topluluktaki yüksek derecede hassas/ötekileştirilmiş olan kadınların ve kız çocuklarının sosyo ekonomik bakımından topluma dahil edilmeleri, dirençli olma durumları ve geçim kaynaklarının geliştirilmesidir. Bu etkinliklerin gerçekleştirilmesi için bütünleştirilmiş ve piyasa odaklı geçim olanakları ve koruma hizmetleri sağlanacaktır. Bunların arasında dil kursları ve seracılık ve tarım alanındaki mesleki eğitimler, vaka yönetimi/danışmanlık, bir kadın kooperatifinin kurulması, koruma hizmetleri, bilgi sağlama ve farkındalık oluşturma etkinlikleri ve özel eğitim ve bireysel koruma destek hizmetlerinin sağlanması yer almaktadır.
İşin amacı:
Lojistik ekibinin destekleyeceği Lojistik Asistanı; Tesis Müdürü ve farklı lojistik çalışanları tarafından verilen bireysel ve genel görevleri yerine getirmekten ve takip etmekten sorumludur.
Lojistik Asistanının tüm GOAL Suriye program ofislerindeki yönetici ve kıdemli çalışanlarla işbirliği içinde çalışması beklenmektedir. Pozisyon için seçilecek kişinin depo ve ofiste ve donanım yönetimi konusunda Tesis Müdürünü ve lojistik ekibini destekleme ve ilgili bilgileri sağlama ve teknik destek verme görevi bulunmaktadır.
in Turkey , Gaziantep city
number of positions
1 Jobs available, apply now
job type
experience years
Entry level