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Flow Assurance Specialist - Doha

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Flow assurance is an independent engineering discipline that bridges the interfaces between the Subsurface, Well Performance and the Topsides Processing Disciplines.

The Field Operations Flow Assurance Specialist will be the focal point for development of sound flow assurance knowledge and application within the operations arm of NOC. The Specialist will concentrate the diverse knowledge in the areas of subsurface and topsides multiphase flow under one umbrella and establish a catalogue of tools to analyze areas of concern and propose improvements that unlock production potential. A database of good practices will form the reference for future design and operation.


The Flow Assurance Specialist will concentrate on controlling the initiation of intermittent flow patterns and addressing the ensuing suppression of production. The role will be the NOC Field Operations focal and will liaise with other departments and individuals attached to the Center of Expertise working in this area.


Activities Addressing and mitigating against slugging has been identified as a method to unlock oil production potential. A key area of improvement will be through addressing the higher flow resistance caused by intermittent flow patterns that result from terrain induced and hydrodynamic slugging. The Flow Assurance Specialist will collaborate with the Drilling Department to establish favorable well completion arrangements to minimize the potential for terrain induced slugging. The Specialist will further collaborate with the Well Performance Department to establish optimal gas lift rates and consider further application of Full Control of Wells (FCW) to minimize hydrodynamic slugging behavior. Stabilization of the wells production streams to the inlet separators will reduce the topsides process control load and thereby also lead to more stable downstream processes. The Flow Assurance Specialist will finally also collaborate with the Process Control Specialist and Process Engineers to analyze and improve the control and operation of the multiphase topsides and subsea piping systems with the aim first to stabilize and then to lift the average flow potential.


Completions induced slugging: Terrain induced slugging results from the long horizontal drains characteristic of Al Shaheen, which include low pockets where liquids collect before intermittently being pushed into the topsides processing facilities. The nature of the narrow reservoir bands necessarily dictate the topography of the wells, but it is believed that altering the completion details can affect the slugging outcome. It is envisioned that a detailed study and proposals for modifications of the most severely affected OC Manager Lead, Process Engineering Tier 2 Senior Process Engineer Tier 3 Senior Process Engineer Tier 3 Process Engineer Tier 2 & 3 Process Control Specialist Flow Assurance Specialist wells will deliver immediate oil gains and also provide a basis to recommend completion layouts for future wells.

Tubing induced slugging: Hydrodynamic slugging results when the tubing diameter is not suitable for the production or lift gas rates. This element is to be studied in more detail to optimize the gas lift rates, within the compression constraints, for existing wells and potentially propose workovers where absolutely essential. It is also envisioned that the incumbent should work with CPD and RGS to evaluate production forecasts for new wells to ensure that optimal tubing diameters are selected for the initial design.

Choke induced slugging: Tubing head pressure also impacts hydrodynamic slugging. The incumbent will leverage the multiphase models to evaluate whether the right choke valves / choke settings are being employed. This may also involve some on-site testing to calibrate the models. The Specialist will also evaluate further application of Full Control of Wells to control the onset and instances of slugging. This work will entail full analysis of methods to detect the onset of slugging.


Inlet separator controls and surge control: The Flow Assurance- and Process Control Specialists will collaborate to assess the impact of slugging on inlet separator and downstream processing systems controls and quantify the impacts via production losses or operating costs. Topsides modifications, where available, will be assessed according to the production and cost benefit.

Subsea pipeline induced slugging: Condensate collects in the wet gas subsea pipelines from the satellite platforms and slugs into the host facility slug catchers. There are currently no operational concerns with this system, but full scale flow assurance models are to be developed to assure continued smooth operation as gas rates increase.

Flow segregation hydraulic analysis for subsea pipelines: Subsea crude export pipelines from satellite platforms carry two phase production fluids to the host platform for separation and treatment. Exports at low rates or high water cuts exhibit higher pressure drops than predicted by simple hydraulic models; likely caused by segregated flow and high water holdup. On a number of facilities this is leading to oil production constraints. The Flow Assurance Specialist will be asked to generate detailed models of the subsea export pipelines that are calibrated against plant operating data.

Gas compression impact on flowing tubing head pressure and associated slug generation: Slugging, by its nature, results in intermittent liquid and gas flows. Gas is fed from the inlet separators to the gas compression trains, which are nominally run at full capacity permanently. The effect is that gas pressures in the inlet separators are continuously fluctuating – as gas inflow and compression capacities are continuously mismatched. The incumbent will also evaluate the impact of this tubing head pressure on well stability. A similar effect, where slugging from one or more wells impacts other wells and causes them to slug, is also to be studied in more detail and possible solutions proposed, e.g. FCW.


The role is based onshore on a residential basis – notionally working a 5 day week.

Visits to offshore locations may be required on an ad-hoc basis.



Professional industry body accredited Process or Mechanical Engineering honors degree (e.g. IChemE, AIChE) or similar. Eligible for professional body registration.


At least 10 years’ proven experience in similar design or operations flow assurance role serving upstream production and exploration activities.

A thorough understanding of the fundamentals of multiphase fluid behavior, thermodynamics, and heat transfer.

Hands-on steady state and transient thermal-hydraulic modelling using Leda Flow, OLGA, PIPESIM or similar software.

Hands-on fluid characterization using MULTIFLASH or PVTSIM.

Experience with, PIPENET, Flow Master, CFD would be preferable.

Active continuing professional development profile.


Fluent in spoken and written English. Proven communication and collaboration skills.

Well-developed analytical skills, high attention to detail, reporting and synthesis skills.

Ability to engage, influence and manage stakeholders at all levels. Ability to influence business decisions.

Strong networking skills both internally and externally


in Qatar , Doha city

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1 Jobs available, apply now

job type


experience years

Mid-Senior level

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