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Information Field Assistant in Beirut

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Specific Responsibilities:

Develop and manage a weekly activity plan for the provision of information sessions in Beirut and Mount Lebanon under the supervision of the Information Field Officer
Provide information and counselling to beneficiaries on how to access basic services through individual and group information sessions conducted in centers or other humanitarian organizations and through outreach, in accordance with ICLA structure and guidance, and agreed work plans
Provide information and counselling to beneficiaries on legal issues (legal status, civil documentation, including birth registration, and Housing, Land and Property rights and employment rights), in accordance with ICLA structure and guidance, and agreed work plans
Gather information on activities being implemented by other humanitarian actors in Beirut and Mount Lebanon and provide it to the Information Field Officer to maintain a clear, comprehensive, and up-to-date written mapping of services
Use existing templates and tools to document ICLA's activities in the field
Provide inputs to ICLA reports on activities in Beirut and Mount Lebanon and on gaps, challenges and opportunities and recommendations as how to respond to them, as required by the Information Field Officer and ICLA Coordinator.
Assist the Information Field Officer in developing materials to be used in ICLA field activities
Assist in arranging appointments with ICLA legal consultants and appropriately manage ICLA's legal assistance cases, in accordance with ICLA structure, guidelines and principles and in close liaison with the Legal Field Technical Officer (and/or legal focal points, as relevant)
Provide inputs to the Information Field Officer on information, legal and protection needs of target communities that are identified during the course of information and counselling activities
Undertake monitoring and evaluation activities to ensure the satisfactory progress, quality, efficiency and accountability of ICLA's activities in BML, in accordance with the agreed monitoring and evaluation plan for BML
Organize ICLA project documents properly and in a timely manner and in accordance with the ICLA filing structure and principles of confidentiality and protection
Assist the ICLA team in preparing for and conducting stand-alone and multi-sectorial assessments in BML
Carry out any other related ICLA tasks as requested by the line manager
Critical Interfaces:

By interfaces, NRC means processes and projects that are interlinked with other departments/units or persons. Relevant interfaces with this position are:

ICLA field teams
Humanitarian actors (local and international)
Beneficiaries and host communities

1. Professional competencies

Bachelor’s degree in Law, International Relations or Social Sciences, or relevant background
Minimum of 1 year of relevant work experience in the humanitarian/development sector
Experience in legal and/or protection work in a humanitarian context (desirable)
Experience of providing information and counselling services (desirable)
Proficiency in Arabic and in English, both written and spoken
Proficiency in use of computers and Microsoft Office

2. Behavioral competencies

Working with people
Communicating with impact and respect
Planning and delivering results
Coping with change
Handling insecure environments

Performance Management

The Job Description
The Work and Development Plan
The NRC Competency Framework


in Lebanon , Beirut city

number of positions

1 Jobs available, apply now

job type


experience years

Entry level

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